Monday, February 28, 2011

Fall Marathon Frenzy

CRC, it's time to sound off.  The Race Committee is looking for YOUR suggestions for a destination fall marathon.  Previous years have seen CRC target such exotic ports of call as Chicago, Philadelphia, Lowell and Scranton, PA.  Andrew Goldthorp will organize this undertaking, which typically involves identifying transportation options, setting up hotel rooms, letting you know when you need to register, etc.  You have until March 8 to nominate a fall marathon in the comments box below.  The Race Committee will take the nominations (the serious ones, at least) and throw them right back at you in the form of a survey, which will decide the event/location once and for all.

So, what say ye?  Are you down with Detroit?  Fired up for Philly?  Ready for Rochester?  All over Atlanta?  Mad about Memphis/Minneapolis/Miami?  Turned on by Toledo/Tucson/Tulsa/Tampa?  Start talking NOW.


  1. I'll put in a vote for Detroit (10/16) only because i'd like to run by the robocop statue...

  2. sounds interesting, but I'd much prefer to run by Miss Liberty (...well, in the distance)
    One vote for NYC, November 6

  3. I'm running New York, as are Meredith, Chad, and Kaitlin.


  4. I'm running New York too. So one more vote for NYC.


  5. I'm signed up for Chicago - race organizers emailed that it's likely to fill up this week.


  6. If we run Houston in Jan 2012, we can see the men's and women's marathon trials!

  7. I'm running NYC too, so it gets my vote!

  8. Houston in Jan. My sister is going to Rice and I will have access to an apartment right in the city (ie. no cost housing).

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Signed up for Chicago, so that's my vote!

  11. Put your hands in the air for the Cal Inter!!! Otherwise known as the California International Marathon. Its the perfect combo of flat and rolling (no muscle fatigue). The organizers are super nice. And its cheap to fly and stay there during that time of year. Plus you can make a mini vacation out of it by driving 2 hours west to San Fran or 2 hours east to Lake Tahoe.

    Another benefit: its late enough in the year (12/4) for those of us who want to train for some sub-26.2 races summer races but also want motivation to keep running when the temps drop below 50.

  12. Hmm, I've always wanted to do Cal international, and I like the idea of running a later race. New York is cool, but it's SO expensive and it'll be a miracle if everyone gets in through the lottery...

  13. I am registered for NYC so it gets my vote!

  14. I'll vote for Philly as it's relatively flat, never too hot, and a fun city to visit.

  15. Philly is awesome. did it last year. 15 minute walk to the start line. Just roll out of bed and go. Not bad for a good sized marathon. Plus it is very spectator friendly. My wife was able to see me three times during the race.

  16. How about Toronto on Oct 16? Has anyone done it?

  17. I'd vote for Philly - had a great experience in 2009!

  18. Geoff - did Toronto Waterfront last year, really enjoyed it - smooth, flat, all good. Nick

  19. Two suggestions for marathons easier for people to register:

    Green Mountain Marathon:
    Run by GMAA, it's a tiny race right along Lake Champlain, half of it on dirt roads, (look at the course map!) and it's only $30.

    Cape Cod Marathon: last of the NE-USTAF Grand Prix Races!

  20. From a scheduling standpoint, Baystate, Green Mountain, and Toronto are all on October 16th. Could be a good weekend to have CRCers racing (and for long runs to be built around that weekend).

  21. Also, the Iceland Marathon is on Aug. 18! Probably too early to be the CRC marathon, but I know a few people are interested in it.
